
Category: Physical Therapy

Getting you back under the barbell

Is your knee pain actually coming from your knee?!

Background Ankle mobility is a common impairment leading to improper lifting mechanics. It can affect your ability to perform the movements correctly as well as lead to pain in many different areas of the body. Often I have athletes come in complaining of knee pain when it all is stemming from poor ankle mobility. You…
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Why are you having shoulder pain?

There are many reasons people get shoulder pain and most of them are modifiable or avoidable with the proper knowledge and programming. This is obviously not true for everyone or there would be no need for surgery. However, having knowledge of what factors you should look at and/or change might save you a trip to…
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How to Fix your Butt Wink

How do I fix my butt wink? This is a common question I get when working with athletes in the clinic who program deep squats into their workout routine. The butt wink refers to excessive posterior pelvic tilt or lumbar flexion at the bottom of your squat. Before getting into assessments and mechanisms of how…
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