
Category: Uncategorized

Getting you back under the barbell

Should you Deadlift or Deadbug?

Introduction  The Biering-Sorensen Test is an assessment looking at an individual’s potential tolerance for deadlifting if they have non-specific lower back pain. People often question when they should add deadlifting back into their routine following a lower back injury.  Although this test is not the end-all-be-all when I am assessing an athlete with lower back…
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Easy But Effective Exercises To Improve Your Shoulder Stability

Background Lifting heavy weights overhead can be scary. All you need to do is see one of the “gym fails” online and you might second guess performing any Jerk or Snatch variation. Building up tolerance to stabilize heavy weight overhead should be a process that ends with the Olympic Lifting variations, not started. Below are…
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How to fix Common deadlift Mistakes

When rehabbing a patient or working with an athlete I tend to see the same mistakes when they are trying to perform a deadlift. Luckily, most of these mistakes can be fixed with cuing, education, or some simple drills to teach the correct movement pattern. Below are a couple of the most common mistakes I…
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